Drill Motors are used to increase the production rate of ores from Ore Extractors. Increasing production also increases energy consumption. Unlike Cutter Heads, drill motors never wear out. Un-upgraded extractors start with an economy drill motor. This drill motor generated 8 ore per minute and consumes .39 PPS.

Basic Drill Motor[]
Unlocked from Basic Mining Upgrades I.
Increases speed to 200%, 16 OPM.
Power usage to .94 PPS.

Enhanced Drill Motor[]
Unlocked from Basic Miner Upgrades II.
Increases speed to 400%, 32 OPM.
Power usage to 1.94 PPS.
- 8 Iron Gear
- 12 Copper Wire
- 2 Lightweight Machine Housing
- 1 Basic Drill Motor

Magnetic Drill Motor[]
Unlocked from Intermediate Miner Upgrades I.
Increases speed to 800%, 64 OPM.
Power usage to 3.94 PPS.
- 16 Iron Gear
- 16 Copper Wire
- 3 Primary Upgrade Module
- 1 Enhanced Drill Motor

Fusion Drill Motor[]
Unlocked from Intermediate Miner Upgrades II.
Increases speed to 1600%, 128 OPM.
Power usage to 7.94 PPS.
- 32 Iron Gear
- 24 Copper Wire
- 5 Primary Upgrade Module
- 16 Charged Lithium Coils
- 1 Magnetic Drill Motor

Antimatter Drill Motor[]
Unlocked from Advanced Miner Upgrades.
Increases speed to 3200%, 256 OPM.
Power usage to 15.94 PPS.
- 5 Titanium Housings
- 12 Secondary Upgrade Modules
- 5 Primary Upgrade Module
- 16 Charged Lithium Coils
- 1 Fusion Drill Motor