FortressCraft Evolved Wiki
Forums: Index > Help desk > Red Links to Pages That Exist.

I have created several pages on the wiki for pages that did not exist. When viewing a page  with a link to said newly created page the link appears red and displays a tool tip indicating the page does not exist. However if I enter edit mode to check the link or relink the page, the editor shows the link in blue and indicates that the page does in fact exist. Does Wikia require an admin to first approve new pages before hyperlinks are updated?

I have no idea how to answer on these forums so i'll type here :P I solved that with just removing text with link (all the red text) and retyping it back. After this I added link by usual way and it worked fine c:

Hope my English isn't so bad, your MediCot.

Same here how on earth are we ment to answer these :/ lol. Any way no I never have to approve pages and im having the same issue to. I also do the same as MediCot, If the page shows red, Re Edit it, Highlight the area and click the link button, Click remove so the wiki knows that its not looking for that page and re add the link. I find that works for me - WelshTony1


Awesome guys! That appears to have worked perfectly.